My fear of “what other people think” has held me back for years

Amanda Emmanuel
2 min readAug 4, 2020


10+ years ago I was enjoying studying my undergrad but felt hopeless about job opportunities and social media exposed me to a new world.

Twitter showed me that the skills I was developing in school were in fact monetizeable.

Since then I have been a frequent early adopter of almost every social media network and have passionately studied each one with a creator-business lens.

It’s been 10+ years, and no one (except my family) really knows this about me.

I’ve been afraid to share any of my thoughts or opinions because I’ve made myself believe:

  • Social media is for teenagers, it’s not worth analyzing
  • What do I know? I’m not an expert
  • My insights aren’t valuable to anyone except myself
  • Focusing on social media won’t do me any good, because it’s not aligned to my job

I realize now that I made a choice to not dive deeper into my social media interests for fear of how other people will think of me.

This has been in my Medium blog drafts since 2018. I had an opinion, I even took the time to write a blog post about it and simply out of fear I never published it

So now, I’m turning things around and telling myself: do it for me.

Explore my curiosities and document my thoughts for myself. It’s okay to not “be right”. Embrace my fear and do it anyway.

The experts are not much smarter than me. They simply made a different choice 💪🏽



Amanda Emmanuel

🦄 Product & Growth at early-stage startups 🚀 3X founder 😎 Blogs about entrepreneurship, mindset & startups 🏗 Always building